Training packages
Transformative training solutions
We provide transformative training packages designed to equip your teams, enhance your service delivery and achieve optimal client outcomes.
EQUIPING your teams and practitioners in working alongside children, young people, adults and families to create healthy and lasting changes in thought processes and patterns of behaviour.
We have a selection of courses available and can also tailor training to meet your specific needs. See our bespoke packages below:
Child focused workshops

A Trauma-Transformative Approach: Healing the hearts, minds and lives of children and young people
Understanding the effects of trauma and applying a trauma-transformative approach, is vital in establishing pathways for healing and post-traumatic growth.

Practitioner & leadership focused workshops

Localised Child Protection Procedure training
We can turn your service specific Child Safe Organisations or Child Protection Policy and Procedures into your own training – with your own ‘look and feel’. Options include face-to-face packages, online or e-learning. Depending on your service needs, we can deliver training for you or you can implement this yourself.

‘Conscoius Practice Retreat 2024’
Practitioner Retreat 2025
As practitioners, being in alignment between the personal and professional context can increase mental strength, emotional resilience and psychological wellbeing. In 2025, we are offering a practitioner retreat for rejuvenation, celebration, forming aligned connections, enhancing skills and providing space to express the language of the heart and soul.